MINI Countryman: Potrošnja goriva (WLTP kombinirana) u l/100km: 8,3 - 4,6; Emisija CO₂ (WLTP kombinirana): 187 - 120 g/km |Vozilo je trenutačno u pretprodukciji. Sve slike i pojedinosti prikazane ovdje su preliminarne i samo u svrhu ilustracije.
MINI Cooper 3 vrata: Potrošnja goriva (WLTP kombinirano): 6,2 - 5,9 l/100 km; Emisije CO2 (kombinirana WLTP): 140 - 133 g/km | Vozilo trenutno u pretprodukciji. Sve slike i pojedinosti prikazane ovdje su preliminarne i samo u svrhu ilustracije.
MINI Cooper S Countryman ALL4: Službena potrošnja goriva (kombinirana): 6.5 - 6.2 l/100 km; Službene emisije CO2 (kombinirane): 149 - 142 g/km (NEFZ / NEFD).
MINI Cooper SE Countryman ALL4: Službena potrošnja goriva (kombinirana): 2.0 - 1.7 l/100 km; Službene emisije CO2 (kombinirane): 45 - 40 g/km (NEFZ / NEFD). Službena potrošnja električne energije (kombinirana): 14.0 - 13.1 kWh/100 km (NEFZ / NEFD). Ovisno o okolišnim uvjetima, predviđen je privremeni maksimum snage motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem, koja može biti cca. 10% iznad nazivne snage. Trajanje vršnih performansi raste s padom temperature okoline (približno 5 s na + 25 ° C, približno 40 s na -20 ° C).
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Pricing Details
Net price
€ 33.850
Taxes and Fees
Total price
€ 33.850
Illustrations show special equipment at an extra charge. The prices are non-binding recommendations of the manufacturer incl. 19% VAT and exclusive transfer costs. Changes and errors excepted. Your MINI partner will be happy to provide you with binding price information.
Zbog trenutne situacije došlo je do nekih izmjena u MINI ponudi. To može utjecati na modele, motore i dodatnu opremu. Također, može doći do ograničene dostupnosti i dužeg vremena isporuke nekih proizvoda. Za više informacija, kontaktirajte svog MINI partnera.
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